On December 16-17 in Tbilisi at Hotels & Preference Hualing Tbilisi Georgian Educational Technology Conference was held. On the event plenary report was made by Maksim Iavich – CEO and president of Scientific Cyber Security Association (SCSA). The title of the report was “Cyber ethics for teachers”. Main topics and trends of cyber security was presented in the report. Knowledge of mentioned aspects is necessary for each modern teacher. Various real life cyber cases were discussed.
During the report also was presented main goal, activities and future plans of Scientific Cyber Security Association (SCSA). Scientific and practical cyber security journal also was presented during the report. Publication in SPCSJ is free of charge. For more details, please visit authors guidelines page.
During the report was also announced, that SCSA is beginning the new projects – “Cyber Camps” for schools pupils and students. The projects will help allow to grow new cyber security experts and enhance cyber security level in Georgia.