Specialization in cyber security

Explore the full module of cybersecurity items. Become a Cybersecurity Specialist and Earn a Specialization Certificate

The program starts on 06.11.2022

Presented by
the Scientific Cyber Security Association

About specialization

The Cybersecurity Specialization is a complete curriculum in today's topical subjects. Upon completion of the specialization, participants will have the opportunity and all the necessary skills to continue working at a professional level in such in-demand areas as cybersecurity and computer science. The duration of the full program is 15 months.

what will you learn


Anyone can start specialization, the training module starts from scratch

Topical subjects

Only topical cyber security and computer science subjects will be covered within the specialization

Optimal time

The duration of each training module is 1.5 - 2 months (8 hours per week), which is quite enough for an in-depth study of the subject.

Certificate of Specialization

After successfully completing all the modules of the program, you will receive an official certificate of specialization.

How specialization works

Passing training courses

The specialization includes various training courses. After completing each course, the student acquires the necessary skills in a particular direction. Some courses are extensions of other specialization courses that provide students with in-depth and practical knowledge.

Obtaining a certificate

After successfully completing the specialization, the student will receive an official certificate from the Scientific Cybersecurity Association, which will confirm the student’s thorough knowledge.

Specialization courses



Lecturer: Irakli Pirtskhalava

A training course is a way to learn the theoretical and practical application of modern programming
standards. It will study the modern, dynamic and multi-paradigm language "Python". which includes
object-oriented, procedural, functional and imperative programming.



Lecturer: George Iashvili

The course will teach students to apply basic security mechanisms in practice. The course will also teach students how to evaluate individual security scenarios and what to consider and/or act on in the face of various cyber threats.



Lecturer: Archil Shengelia

The training course is a means of mastering the theoretical and practical application of modern standards in the field of networking. It will cover modern approaches to help you plan and configure network.



Lecturer: Davit Taliashvili

The training course is a means of mastering the theoretical and practical application of the Distance Vector routing protocols. It will cover modern approaches to help you plan and configure your network.



Lecturer: David Bochorishvili

Students will learn the basic techniques for creating static web pages using HTML and CSS technologies. In addition, the course will teach students interactive and visual effects using HTML and CSS web technologies. Students will learn the basic concept of a markup language and its practical application.



Lecturer: Sergo Simonovi

The training course is a way to learn the theoretical and practical use of the Link State routing protocols. It will cover modern approaches to help you plan and configure network.



Lecturer: Sergo Simonovi

The training course is an introduction to the principles of network security. It will study the principles of protecting the local network.



Lecturer: Tamar Kuchukhidze

Students will learn the concepts of symmetric encryption and authentication, as well as the concepts of public key encryption, digital signatures, and key distribution. They will be familiar with common examples and cryptographic schemes including AES, RSA, Diffie-Hellman key distribution protocol, and how and when to use them. Students will be able to design, create and analyze simple cryptographic solutions. Students will be able to implement attacks on insecure schemes and implement existing schemes in the Python programming language.



Lecturer: David Bochorishvili

Today, JavaScript is one of the most demanding and flexible programming languages used in many areas. With JavaScript, you can create interactive web pages without sending requests to the server, which means that you can create dynamic web systems using this programming language.



Lecturer: Maksim Iavich

The purpose of the training course is to teach students how to write programs in the C++ programming language. The course also aims to teach students how to read and analyze programs written in the C programming language to identify possible weaknesses in the code.



Lecturer: George Iashvili

The course will teach students how to create static and dynamic websites using one of the most common CMS, WordPress.



Practical security

Lecturer: George Iashvili

The training course includes a practical discussion of modern cyber attacks and the use of appropriate cyber security tools and techniques against them. The course will discuss different types of cyber attacks and they will be identified



Lecturer: Maksim Iavich

Software is everywhere: in laptops and desktops, in mobile phones, in the power system, even in our cars. Software is the machine that runs the economy and our personal lives. But the prevalence and importance of software makes it a target for many attacks.



Lecturer: Sergo Simonov

Linux runs on 100% of the world’s supercomputers, most of the servers that power the Internet, most of the world’s financial transactions, and more than two billion Android devices.



Lecturer: Maksim Iavich

As part of the course, the student will learn how to solve real analytical problems using the Python programming language. The course covers: algorithms using Python, testing and debugging using Python, working with classes in Python, algorithmic complexity and data structures.



Lecturer: Maksim Iavich

As part of the course, students will study a detailed analysis of various systems and identify security weaknesses in these systems. Also, as part of the course, students will learn how to penetrate systems using discovered security weaknesses.



Lecturer: George Iashvili

As part of the course, students will learn how to collect, process and analyze open access information. The course includes both the use of OSINT tools and many practical methods with of so-called manual approach.



Lecturer: George Iashvili

As part of the course, the student will study buffer overflow attacks, Windows buffer overflow attacks, processor register management and Linux buffer overflow attacks. Along with this, the course will cover working with exploits, their configuration and modification, downloading malicious files to a compromised machine, privilege escalation, attacks on web applications, XSS (cross-site scripting), cookie and session theft, as well as SQL injection.



Lecturer: Giorgi Sanikidze

Django is a free (open source) platform for building web applications and websites. Django is written in the Python programming language. Framework – a set of tools with which web applications and sites are created faster and easier than developing similar systems from scratch. Django has its own structure and file structure, which is designed through the so-called engine or kernel.



As part of the final project, students will use the knowledge gained during the study of specialization subjects. The final project covers practical issues from various areas of cybersecurity. During the project, students will be divided into groups to perform special tasks. Upon successful completion of the final project, the student receives a certificate of specialization.


Lecturers of teaching courses

Maksim Iavich

CEO and President of SCSA


Giorgi Akhalaia

Technical director of SCSA

Archil Shengelia

Instructor of Cisco Networking Academy

Sergo Simonovi

DevOps engineer / IT manager Omedia

Davit Botchorishvili

Developers team lead and pentester of SCSA

Davit Taliashvili

Networks and system chef engineer - GPD Host

Irakli Pirtskhalava

Python lecturer at SCSA

Giorgi Sanikidze

Python Django lecturer - SCSA and BTU

Tamar Kuchukhidze

Developer and lecturer at SCSA

Ketevan Grdzelidze

Cyber Security Specialist, Lecturer

Amiran Berianidze

Cyber Security Specialist, Lecturer

სპეციალიზაციის სერტიფიკატს გააჩნია მრავალი უპირატესობა

სპეციალიზაციის საფასური შეადგენს 4800 ლარს
გადახდა შეიძლება განხორციელდეს ოთხ ეტაპად

დაამატეთ კიბერ უსაფრთხოების სპეციალიზაციის სერტიფიკატი სხვა მონაცემებთან ერთად LinkedIn-ის პროფილში

რას ამბობენ კურსდამთავრებულები ?

სისტემის უსაფრთხოების აუდიტი

თქვენი IT სისტემების მთლიანი უსაფრთხოების უზრუნველყოფა სასიცოცხლოდ მნიშვნელოვანია. სამეცნიერო კიბერუსაფრთხოების ასოციაცია (SCSA) გთავაზობთ სისტემის უსაფრთხოების აუდიტს, რათა უზრუნველყოს თქვენი სისტემის ყოვლისმომცველი შეფასება. შეღწევადობის ტესტისგან განსხვავებით, რომელიც ფოკუსირებულია დაუცველობის გამოყენებაზე, უსაფრთხოების აუდიტი უფრო ფართო მიდგომას წარმოადგენს.

SCSA-ს უსაფრთხოების პროფესიონალები ზედმიწევნით შეისწავლიან თქვენს სისტემებს, პოლიტიკებს და პროცედურებს. ისინი განიხილავენ წვდომის კონტროლს, მონაცემთა უსაფრთხოების პრაქტიკას, ქსელის კონფიგურაციას და ინდუსტრიის საუკეთესო პრაქტიკის დაცვას. ეს სიღრმისეული ანალიზი გვეხმარება სისუსტეების და სფეროების, იდენტიფიცირებაში, რომლებიც შეიძლება გამოიყენონ თავდამსხმელებმა და სადაც შესაბამისობის რეგულაციები შესაძლოა სრულად არ იყოს დაცული.

აუდიტის შემდეგ, SCSA წარუდგენს დეტალურ ანგარიშს, სადაც აღწერილი იქნება უსაფრთხოების ხარვეზები, პოტენციური რისკები და რეკომენდებული გაუმჯობესებები. ეს საშუალებას გაძლევთ პრიორიტეტულად დაგეგმოთ მოქმედებები თქვენი სისტემების გასაძლიერებლად და შექმნათ უფრო ძლიერი უსაფრთხოების სისტემა. აუდიტის დროს გამოვლენილი დაუცველობის და ნაკლოვანებების პროაქტიული მოგვარებით, თქვენ შეგიძლიათ მნიშვნელოვნად შეამციროთ მონაცემთა დარღვევისა და კიბერშეტევების რისკი.

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