The Scientific Cyber Security Association, also known as SCSA, is actively involved in various scientific projects both in Georgia and internationally. Our association works closely with local and foreign experts and is funded by both local and international scientific funds. We are proud to be a member of the consortium and implementer of a large number of Erasmus+ projects.

Our association collaborates not only with researchers but also with institutions. Some of our partner research institutions include Caucasus University (Georgia), Black Sea University (Georgia), Transylvania University of Brasov (Romania), National Aviation University (Ukraine), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), Aveiro University (Portugal), University of Valladolid (Spain), Fairleigh Dickinson University (USA), University of Lille (France), and Inha University (Uzbekistan).


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 International School “Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence”

International School “Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence”

As part of the project, we plan to establish an international school called “Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence”. The goal of the school is to develop the fields of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence in Georgia, both from a practical and scientific point of view.
Within the framework of the project experts from the following countries will be involved: Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine, USA, Spain, and France.
Project Duration: 4 months. The project will start: on 01.08.2023 and end on 30.11.2023.

Methodology of the development of secure multilayer ‘5G and beyond’ networks for the needs of special groups of subscribers in Georgia

Methodology of the development of secure multilayer ‘5G and beyond’ networks for the needs of special groups of subscribers in Georgia
Definition of the special users communication groups; Development of a method for assessing key security indicators of 5G network slices by developing new metrics and rules that consider the specifics of the functioning of 5G cellular networks and the services provided for different groups of subscribers.;
Development of a method for automated 5G network slices penetration testing; Development of an AI-based encryption methods ecosystem for 5G cellular networks; Improvement of the method of quantum key distribution methods for the appropriate network slices of 5G secured networks; Testing and validation of the developed solutions. The project began in 2023 and will be finished in 2026.

The novel approach of creating the post-quantum digital signature schemes

The novel approach of creating the post-quantum digital signature schemes

The goal of the project is to create a digital signature scheme using the novel technology – ‘Verkle tree’. The scheme will have a reduced signature size and will be secure against attacks of quantum computers. The project began in 2022 and will be finished in 2024.

Cyber Security Cisco academy for children

Cyber Security Cisco academy for children: The goal of the Academy is to develop the directions of cyber security in Georgia, both from a practical and scientific point of view. To achieve the goal, the complex training program of Cisco Systems, a global giant of computer networks and systems based in the United States of America, was used, which is placed on an online training platform.
The project will start on 01.10.2022 and its duration is 1 year.

Seasonal school of data protection based on EU practices

Seasonal school of data protection based on EU practices: The goal of the project is to raise awareness of personal data protection among users. Despite the increased focus on cyber security, unfortunately, the challenges associated with GDPR are still relevant, both for professionals of this profile and for ordinary users.
In the framework of the project, the season schools for students, the academic sector, the business sector and online training for the general public will be organized. The events are free of charge.
Source of financing: Erasmus+ (Jean Monnet Modules).
Duration – 3 years.

Creation of an algorithm and a working web platform for graphematic studies

Creation of an algorithm and a working web platform for graphematic studies: within the framework of the project, a machine learning-based system for recognizing the period of graphic image creation and the texts placed on them is being developed, which automatically determines the real period of the created graphic image according to specific parameters. As a result of the project, an algorithm for graphematic research and a corresponding working web platform will be obtained. The project began in 2022 and will be finished in 2024.

Cyber Security and 5G League

Cyber Security and 5G League: The seasonal school project involved both local and international specialists – professors from 8 countries, namely Georgia, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Romania, USA, Lithuania and France. Within the framework of the Cyber Security and 5G League, trainees studied the practical and scientific aspects of Cyber Security and 5G technologies. They had the opportunity to get practical knowledge from the leading international specialists in the field. Within the framework of the Cyber Security and 5G League, trainees studied the practical and scientific aspects of Cyber Security and 5G technologies. The project began in 2022 and was successfully completed at the same year.

5G networks security

5G networks security: In the framework PHDF-21-088 project solution was found that will overcome vulnerabilities (MITM, data leakage, design vulnerabilities) and found a new solution to minimize the risk of cyber attacks. Project supports creation of micro lab where the systems security flaws were reassessed and based on this assessment different approached were analyzed. More secure and efficient way of communication will be created. At the last stage, new secure design and function was created and implemented. That was be tested in local environment as well as discussed with international experts to continue working on the improvement of our design. The project began in 2021 and was successfully completed in 2022.

Promoting European Union’s Cyber Education(PEU-C-E)

Promoting European Union’s Cyber Education(PEU-C-E): the goal of the project is to share European experience in cyber education among students, teachers, parents, professors and decision makers with a goal to create safer internet for vulnerable young people. The project is financed by EACEA. Project began in 2020 and was successfully completed in 2022.

Cyber incident response platform for 5G cellular networks

Cyber incident response platform for 5G cellular networks: The goal of the project is to create the clever cyber security function for 5G cellular networks. The project is financed by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. Project began in 2020 and was successfully completed in 2021.

Computer Science and Cyber Security University for Children

Computer Science and Cyber Security University for Children: The goal of the project is the development of scientific and practical directions of cyber security in school pupils.  The project is financed by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. Project began in 2020 and was successfully completed in 2020.

The model of post-quantum cryptography scheme

The model of post-quantum cryptography scheme: The goal of the project is to improve the efficiency and security of post-quantum cryptography schemes. The project is financed by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. Project began in 2019 and was successfully completed in 2021.

Random number generators for cryptography

Random number generators for cryptography: The goal of the project is to create efficient and secure new random number generator. The project is financed by Caucasus University. Project began in 2019 was successfully completed in 2021.

Digital signature schemes in post-quantum war

Digital signature schemes in post-quantum war: Joint project, funded by  Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and  Science and Technology Center in  Ukraine is being conducted by the members of the association team. As the result we will get a new digital signature scheme which will be effective and secure and can be used in post-quantum epoch.   The project was launched in July 2017 and was successfully completed in 2019

Post-Quantum Cryptography

Post-Quantum Cryptography: A grant project financed by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, implemented by members of the association team. The project has been successful implemented since 2016, relevant results are got, which are distributed to global cyber security experts, and in the thematic international groups. The project was successfully completed in January 2018, as a result a new post-quantum cryptosystem is got.

Empowering women in cyber security through EU experience – WISEC ACADEMY

Empowering women in cyber security through EU experience – WISEC ACADEMY

The primary objective of the project is to advance excellence in IT education for women, particularly in the areas of cybersecurity and data protection, enhance the quality of women’s education in Georgia using the EU’s best practices, and encourage communication between academia and society. Additionally, the project aims to raise women’s understanding of data protection in a broader social context. Within the framework of the WISEC Academy, a comprehensive intensive learning program will be organized for women from different segments (for students, general public, specialists with IT background/education) in the field of cyber security, based on the experience of the EU. Cybersecurity trainings will also be held for women from the regions to increase awareness of data security issues. The project began in 2023 and will be finished in 2026. Source of financing: Erasmus+ (Jean Monnet Modules). Duration – 3 years.

სისტემის უსაფრთხოების აუდიტი

თქვენი IT სისტემების მთლიანი უსაფრთხოების უზრუნველყოფა სასიცოცხლოდ მნიშვნელოვანია. სამეცნიერო კიბერუსაფრთხოების ასოციაცია (SCSA) გთავაზობთ სისტემის უსაფრთხოების აუდიტს, რათა უზრუნველყოს თქვენი სისტემის ყოვლისმომცველი შეფასება. შეღწევადობის ტესტისგან განსხვავებით, რომელიც ფოკუსირებულია დაუცველობის გამოყენებაზე, უსაფრთხოების აუდიტი უფრო ფართო მიდგომას წარმოადგენს.

SCSA-ს უსაფრთხოების პროფესიონალები ზედმიწევნით შეისწავლიან თქვენს სისტემებს, პოლიტიკებს და პროცედურებს. ისინი განიხილავენ წვდომის კონტროლს, მონაცემთა უსაფრთხოების პრაქტიკას, ქსელის კონფიგურაციას და ინდუსტრიის საუკეთესო პრაქტიკის დაცვას. ეს სიღრმისეული ანალიზი გვეხმარება სისუსტეების და სფეროების, იდენტიფიცირებაში, რომლებიც შეიძლება გამოიყენონ თავდამსხმელებმა და სადაც შესაბამისობის რეგულაციები შესაძლოა სრულად არ იყოს დაცული.

აუდიტის შემდეგ, SCSA წარუდგენს დეტალურ ანგარიშს, სადაც აღწერილი იქნება უსაფრთხოების ხარვეზები, პოტენციური რისკები და რეკომენდებული გაუმჯობესებები. ეს საშუალებას გაძლევთ პრიორიტეტულად დაგეგმოთ მოქმედებები თქვენი სისტემების გასაძლიერებლად და შექმნათ უფრო ძლიერი უსაფრთხოების სისტემა. აუდიტის დროს გამოვლენილი დაუცველობის და ნაკლოვანებების პროაქტიული მოგვარებით, თქვენ შეგიძლიათ მნიშვნელოვნად შეამციროთ მონაცემთა დარღვევისა და კიბერშეტევების რისკი.

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